Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aaaaand I'm offf... tomorrow.

Well, it all starts tomorrow.
In fact, my next shower is most likely.... I mean, absolutely, going to take place in Moscow.

This week has been,... well... not the ideal situation. Of course, I am one to do everything "one last time"... one last long run around the town, one last home cooked meal with the parents, and (for the previous weekend) one last graduation party with friends. Unfortunately, an uninvited guest named Irene decided to show up.
Packing for a YEAR with no power is quite fun... NOT.
Aaahh, actually, it hasn't been that bad. A few good friends have offered their showers, and public internet is always an alternative.
Anyways, everything shoiuld be all set tomorrow, and the bureaucratic process and the adventures along the way of the visa-obtaining process is worth another blog post in itself. The plan?
Boston---Washington DC
Washington----internet----flight to Moscow, 13 hours.
Moscow---friend Olga's place--- Chelyabinsk the next morning, where I will meet my host Svetlana and her colleague Natasha. From there, thank God for the weekend, I will be able to catch up on sleep (ha!) and develop my first lesson plan.
That is the plan anyway. But as we know, especially in my life, a plan never tells the actual story of what will really happen... so keep reading. The adventure begins tomorrow!